Before he was introduced to our Island Base Nathan Grey was ‘making tunes and bangers and expressing creativity’ in his garage, and bedroom.
Since joining, our Masterclass Nate has been able to fast track his music knowledge.
‘I have learned the mechanics of how to get your music out to the world, and also all about mixing and mastering and all the intricate things behind it, I didn’t have a clue about that before’.
Elton Noyer AKA Scizzorhands, is an award winning DJ, audio engineer, music tutor and co-founder of BeatSpun Studios. and…. Nate’s Island Base mentor!
He and Nathan have spent time on a track Nate created himself that he wanted to release.
Originally called ‘Dun Dun’ before it had lyrics, the track is now called Motion and Nate loves the way Elton’s professional sound engineering has elevated it. ‘Before it was a good song but it was dull, Elton has opened it up and made it spacious’.
Nate has also had sessions with PR Guru Bev Adair who works with our up and coming artists. ‘She gave me an understanding of how to take this thing really seriously, and taught me about how I want to portray myself and my music to the world. She gave me a lot of reflecting to do!’ 
Being part of the Masterclass gave Nate a goal and he says the mentors pushed, but also supported him to achieve that. ‘Having those people to go to but also making those connections is huge’.
Bev Adair is definitely a great connection to have! 
She is a media specialist and public relations consultant with 25 years of experience in the media and music industry. We are privileged to have her as one of our Island Base mentors. “My mission is to give young people practical knowledge and skills to control their own narrative and promotion of their songs and music, map their own pathway, and stay true to their kaupapa” (purpose).

Nathan has a firm plan of action and a great song to release now – we’ll be the first to let you know when Motion drops!

If you are an aspiring music artist and think you could benefit from our Masterclass programme please check out the Masterclass section of our menu for the eligibility criteria and details!