WATCH – Aspiring artist and mentee ‘Cyprus-Li’ performs live on air

Check out this live performance by one of our Youth Mentees, ‘Cyprus Li’ performed live on ‘For The Ville Radio’ hosted by Poetik. Big thanks to @nzmusiccommission & @creativecommunitiesakl for the support.

Introducing the ‘Beatz Squad’ from Māngere Central School

Round 3 for 2021 of the Youth Mentoring Program with Māngere Central School and the hits just keep on coming! Over five weeks, Joseph, Reggae, Amaira and Destiny poured their hearts and souls into live performing on air, interviewing, learning to DJ, and writing and...

Youth Mentoring Programme – ‘LAWS’ and Rei present ‘Navigators’

Introducing our second group of rangatahi from Mangere Central School ‘LAWS’. Award winning artist Rei jumped on board to lead an inspiring songwriting workshop and create a beat with the students to produce the original track ‘Navigators’. It’s an...

NEXT Gen: Series 2 – Highlights

  Under a cloudless sky on the 20th of February at the wonderful Māngere Arts Centre, NEXT Gen brought together rising talents with established local artists to perform for their community, friends, and family. For the fresh talent of Spooky (Sylas through Ngā...